Welcome to my collection of bird photos!

White tailed eagle

Birds are fascinating! The sound, the behaviour and the colors. The texture and details. Early morning or late evening. Low sun or cloudy. It is out in forests, or at a beach or in the mountain. You, the nature and the birds.

Picture below is shoot with Nikon Z8 with Nikkor Z400mm 4.5.

White tailed eagle

In this blog, I share some of my experience with bird photography, the many birds I meet on my journeys and where you also can find these birds.

I have recently sold my Sigma C 150 – 600 mm lense. It was overall a good lense, but it can’t match the sharpness and speed to the Z 400mm 4.5 lense I have used for almost a year now. I have also bought a 2X teleconverter for the 400mm lense and the quality of the shots is stunning. Even early in february, there is a lot of light to support using the teleconverter, even if the apperature is reduced to maximum f9.

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